Jul 23, 2011

The Birthday Bunch are Back for a Visit!

Charlotte had to go out of town this week-end.  Too bad for her!  Lucky us!  We get to puppy-sit and have Bonny back home again.  Makes us all happy. 

We cannot believe what a difference one week makes.  They are bigger and stonger and their personalities are blossoming. They definitely need play space, so Charlotte's is the best home for them now.  However, they have a pretty good playspace set up here.  And we take them out for "grass" play visits, so we are good for a short term "puppy summer camp"!

The Indoor puppy play-yard.
Outside on the grass, it took a little while for Bonny to allow the "kids" to wander and play.  Zinger was definitely ready for some romping.  After Bonny relaxed, Zinger got to get acquainted.

Puppies getting to know Zinger - definitely not equipped like Mom! That didn't keep the pups from trying.
Fos getting to know Zinger

Hey Kids..You can do it - follow me!

"OK Mom, we CAN do this!"

June exploring...

Fos exploring...

They have mastered this indoor tunnel.

Indoor play - King of the Mountain!

Hungry pups eat one way - or another!

Time for some shut eye!!!

Jul 17, 2011

Growing Up

The Birthday Bunch is outgrowing their "crate".  As an alternative, this playground was created with a couple of exercise pens. Play is how they learn (just like children) and they needed more room and things to explore.  This week-end, Bonny and the pups will go to Charlotte's to enlarge their world even more.  As a dog breeder, her home has many excellent spaces for puppies (and dogs) - all with exploration in mind.  We are sad to see them go but... the good news...they will be back for week-end visits when Charlotte is out of town. 

Zinger gets to know Char-latte!

20 minutes of nonstop exploration follwed by a group nap!

Sometimes...the play spaces are also great nap spots!

Jul 11, 2011

Puppy play....

This great, crinkly, cat tunnel has been a part of the puppies "play time" for a few days. It's a perfect size for them right now. This morning, June (the explorer) ventured forth and was the first to go in one end and out the other!  Smart little girl acted as if she has done this her entire life.  (She'll be four weeks old in 3 days.) Wasn't long and the entire "Birthday Bunch" was enjoying the tunnel. They will make outstanding agility dogs, don't you think?  Check it out...

Zinger came home after a week-end away with Charlotte winning points at a show.  The puppies are much more active now and Zinger is ready to play.  They are interested in Zinger as well.

Cute and cuter ....

Char-latte with June in background.

Playful combat - with growling even!

Cake - I think.  If not, it is Foster.

Jul 10, 2011

Jul 9, 2011

Puppies on the go!

During the week the "Birthday Bunch" have found out that they do have legs and can stand up on them!  Not only that - there is a world to explore.  It is also fun to see them begin to behave with some of the grown up dog Border Terrier mannerisms. 

Jul 4, 2011

So...this is grass!

A perfect day for the 4th of July!  Skip and I rounded up the Birthday Bunch and took them out for some play in the grass.  Mama Bonny came along to be certain all puppies were safe.  Zinger had a little crate time as we are not quite ready to add her to the mix. Today is the first day the pups are up on all four feet walking - not just crawling.  Amazing!
This fringe stuff is interesting!

Yup!  All here.
Under Mama's watchful eye...
Look at Char-latte stepping out!
Come on, you guys.  Grass is really sort of neat.
June is the explorer!

Good things happen in the grass!


Jul 2, 2011

What an eventful day!

Charlotte was here checking in on Mama Bonny and the birthday bunch.  All puppies are fat and happy.  Mama Bonny is doing well.  Zinger...well...as any happy, healthy 7 month old...she is bouncing around, delighted with any attention she can get.

What was to be a Zinger grooming, ended up beginning as a first-time-ever puppy-nail-cutting session. It's a really bad picture but it is the best of this momentous occasion.  So you know, it takes one person to hold the puppy and a second to handle the paw and nail clippers.  That leaves one hand stuck out with a camera taking aim in the general direction of the event - and snapping.  Hm mm.  Not too bad, considering!

What a little investigator June is!

Shadows, light, sunshine, smells on the breeze.....
And also a first....today was a BEAUTIFUL day.  All puppies need to experience sun and breeze in the out-of-doors.  So....took the exercise pen out to the deck.  Puppies under Mom's anxious supervision did experience about 15 minutes of fresh air and sunshine!  If this weather continues, they might be able to do grass soon!!

Puppies at 2 weeks 2 days old



Jul 1, 2011

"Hello World!"

The Birthday Bunch turned two weeks old yesterday!

The day before yesterday, slits for eyes began to appear.  Everyday since the slits are getting wider.  I have to wonder what it is they are seeing.  Does the world instantly appear?  Or is it a more gradual awareness of "things" they can see?  This is when I wish I were a brain scientist and could hook those little suction cup probs to their heads so some computer could show me what it is they are experiencing! 

All are growing steadily. Three days ago, three of the four weighed in over 1 pound.  June seems to be a little slower to put on weight but then she was the smallest when born.  There is a steady increase - so no worries. Cake is living up to her name.  She is taking the lead in weight gain! Skip described them as mostly mouth on their heads with budda-like bellys!  Welll...of course...nature gives them the big mouths at birth to create those little round bellys.

There is so much changing daily.  Ears that were stuck upward when they were born are gradually flopping down.  Tails now actually seem to wag while they nurse.  Amazing how much distance they can cover with those short little legs swimming across their 4 foot by 4 foot pen!  

OK. I'm still very fascinated and awed by all this.  Pictures over the week-end.