Sep 22, 2013

Final Post for Zinger/Bravo litter.

Charlotte tells me all the pups have homes and will soon be leaving.  Last week-end we went for the "8 week old pup evaluation" and learned that all these puppies are excellently made pups!  Not news to us! We knew already that they were terrific - sweet and loving pups.  After the evaluation, Zinger rejoined our family.  Bonny and Zinger are very happy to be together again.

A pause in the "chase" ... Bonny has the toy...Zinger wants it!
Junior has already left with his father's (Bravo) breeder to live in Ohio.  Tye is going to Colorado.  Chai is going to Vancouver, BC.  Charlotte has decided to keep Bryce.  Hopefully everyone will stay in touch so we can see the pups as they grow.  

As you can see, all you need to do is "sit down" and you will have a lap full of dog!  Here are some photos to prove it!

Touille is the pup's Grandma.  She is the ultimate "lap" dog and was just waiting for an opportunity to steal the lap.  I think she is laughing at her sly advance onto Skip's lap!

Here are some individual shots.  Skip was "forced" to hold the pups for pictures as they really do not like to stay still for pictures.  It was a hard job but someone had to do it!

Tye - this boy likes to chew!  Nice sharp puppy teeth!!

Bryce has sharp teeth and also likes to chew.  Imagine that!  He is also a "lover"!  Lots of 'lick kisses'.

Chai is a really sweet girl.  Likes to give 'lick kisses' also.  (OK...they all do.) 

After about a half hour of play, they were all tuckered out.  (They had already been outside for a long time before we got there.) Seemed appropriate to end the blog with another "sleeping" puppy picture or two. 

Tye and Bryce
Chai joins them!

The best part for Touille....she gets the lap!

Signing off until next time.....

Skip, Betty, Bonny and Zinger...
Knowing it was a job well done and now enjoying the freedom of no responsibilities!