Yesterday, the pups got to go on their first "long" field trip. My sister and her husband were headed to the airport after a week long visit. We decided it was a good day for an adventure. The little guys are pros at travel. They squeal a bit and then go to sleep. Except for some clean-up times and some feeding. Zinger rode in a separate crate with Bonny. It was an easy trip.
When we were home again and all the pups were being loved a bit (by us humans) before going into their puppy den, I noticed that Tiberius had his eyes open as well. Junior will be the last...maybe today. It was hard to get a photo of Tiberius as he was squirming so! Here's a head shot and an eye shot - in different photos!
Zinger is spending more time away from the pups. It is interesting to watch the process. Though ever alert to their needs, she is spending more time outside, entering into some of her "before puppy" behaviors with Bonny. Zinger initiated a short play session with Bonny last night, the first in many weeks. They are curling up together again in crates, beds, etc. Here they are in their bunk bed...sharing the bottom bunk.
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